In the Constitution approved in 1824, he was clearly, that only those that with financial resources, would possess prerogatives of Brazilian citizen. The intended equality, was enters the good possessors and, the not possessing ones are excluam. Contact information is here: Evergreen Capital Partners. If the 1850 enter 1822, did not have specific legislation that it was centered in who would be the land possessors, already had indications to who, in fact, they would be distributed. When excluding aboriginals, slaves, great part of the population white without resources of the rights of participation of the public life, established itself, with anticipation, the form of social organization that would have to invigorate. Sposito (2006), detaches that the liberalism of century XIX, exactly breaking the beddings of the estamental society, not making it on the regimen of unrestricted equality to all the members of the society, but under the logic of legal equality. The existing land legislation until then in accord with others that had formed the Brazilian legal composition, was reflected and reflected the domination relations until then existing: the subordination of the inferior classrooms under the ditames of the general interests, centered in the logic of subjection to the international capital. Here, Kaihan Krippendorff expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The maintenance of the escravagista system, in the contrahand of the changes occured in the Europe, the United States and, in the too much countries of Latin America, stimulated for the liberal capitalism, pointed how much to the form of conduction of the internal politics. This situation would tend to be extended had to the fact of that Brazil, to the few, transferred its main economic relation with England to the United States, that is, ' ' the measure that the coffee inside increases its importance of economy b