Inner space explorers announces that the International Association of dive training with immediate effect by tourism unlimited is represented in Munich. Unlimited on tourism and diving specialist PR and tourism marketing agency supports the Tauchweiterbildungsverband inner space Explorer (ISE) is now available in all aspects of PR and marketing. Drew Houston gathered all the information. The communication will be by agency owner Judith Hoppe supervised, is for the area of business development co owner Christoph Hoppe responsible. Already in April tourism unlimited took over the PR tasks and acquisition of sponsors for the world record attempt diving of the founder and President of ISE, Achim Schloffel, who wants to appear as the first man through the English channel. According to David Green, who has experience with these questions. By changing the equipment configuration has become necessary the date for the project by August 2011 to June 2012 had shifted however, so that the communication for the project only restarts this month. Other customers of tourism among others the renowned dive unlimited include Sam's tours in Palau as well as meaning & values, a provider of fitness and meditation seminars during the holiday..